Saturday, August 12, 2006

Why Ippssy Eggos?

The year of fall 1999 to summer 2000 changed my life forver for three reasons. First, as a boy that was attacked by his childhood best-friend (at the time)'s golden lab, i grew up with a major phobia of dogs. In the fall of 1999, my then girlfriend (now my wife Geneva), got the cutest husky-collie-shep (we think) puppy. She named this dog Ippssy. Words can not describe how much i have grown to love this dog and Geneva for helping me through this fear. Second, that same year I entered a collection of my very best friends (boys and girls) into a co-ed flag football league. I quarterbacked and coached a collection of so-called hard-core atheletes and girls that had no idea if "boobing" was an official penalty. With this mix of underdog talent, and Ippssy as our unofficial mascot, we won our division championship.

Eggos? The name of my sister's U-11 and U-13 soccer teams that I coached to a Provincial Championship, but more importantly the first team that I was ever on that truly embodied what I felt what the truest and purest essence of what team meant. I learned so much about putting my family first (volunteering to be with Christina), compromising to learn to love what they do (I hated soccer as a kid, but was good at it), and the amazing experience and knowledge that you can gain through volunteerism. Moreover, the chance to work with, craft, mold, and learn from a younger generation was an amazing experience that I hope to always have throughout my life.

Three of the best experiences of my life that forever changed who I thought I could be and what I thought I could accomplish in life. Though I continue to learn everyday, these three experiences are the foundation upon which my life as an adult will be built upon.


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