Happy 2nd Birthday Sydney. It was a busy day for you.
- Daddy dropped you at daycare late because we spent some quality time together. we had to race to the park to catch up with everyone that was walking
- We went to EA for trick or treating. you cleaned up the candy and chocolate... but bummer for you they all had peanuts which you can't eat (oh well... more for mommy)
- Mommy got you a TON of BALLOONS! you love them. you love watching them float "up high" and then dragging them "low". :)
- We went to dinner at horizons. you had the spicy calamari to start, some flatbeard, and water. daddy and you were suppose to split a maple smoked salmon, and you ate the first two bites. but then mommy gave you some of her duck breast, and it was over. you inhaled the duck breast and weren't having any of the salmon. however, you call all yummy meat "gogo porkchop"
- Off to home and opening presents. you almost cried in excitement from Adoodoo's Wiggles DVD, you dragged your scooby doo blanket/ backpack everywhere, and you yelled "BINGO" when you opened mommy's gift.
Sydney says "tank-you-birfday-pessents" to everyone! Love you all.

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