Dec: Thanks Auntie Christina and Auntie Jade
My favourite Christmas gift for sure. I just love it when close family visits. It's so hard travelling back home. In addition to the fact that Sydney is now a full fare, it's just so hard to find the time to meet up with everyone and split time equally. Between multiple households, packing and unpacking, parties/ dinners/ lunches/ dimsum/ pho... it's exhausting (though it sounds yummy as I type this on an empty stomach).
It's so much more of a joy having people visit. For the second straight year we had the blessing in disguise of blizzard-like snow conditions for the Auntie Christina and Auntie Jade visit. We ended up snowed in, I worked from home a lot (including a couple of days when I caught a brutal flu... love sweating through multiple layers of clothing), and got to spend time with Chris and Jade.
Sydney adores her two aunts. There's such a unique bond between girls. Sydney loves "partying" with the aunts whether it's Wiggly Party dances, listening to Auntika songs like "Poker Face" and "Womanizer", having early morning milk with Auntie Jade, or just hanging out... she just loved being one of the girls.
It' was really cool as well to have them here so early into Logan's life. At one month, he's just starting to change, and he's responsive (when he's not crash napping... goodness when he is out - he is it out!). I'm so grateful for this special bonding time early on.
Thanks for visiting Aunties! We miss you. Remember for next year, I need one month's notice on concert tickets. :)
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