Sydney, Popo and Mommy at the Salon
Actually, it was Mommy and Popo at first... and then Sydney got so interested she had to get a cut. Mommy really wanted to get her haircut this weekend, Sydney definitely could have used a trim, and Popo was suffering the after effects of a $13 Edmonton haircut.
We ventured to Henessey in West Vancouver (Park Royal) and girls were treated in style. Sydney will now grow up thinking that she can get treated to water/ coffee, a nice hairwash, and a 30 to 45 minutes cut and style at any haircut place. We've come a long way from Magicuts at Woolco. :)
The ladies looked lovely, and Logan and I strolled around the salon laughing at people doing strange things to their hair (actually, he slept throughout the entire thing).
Good job at the salon Sydney! You were terrific and may have a new friend in Kaitlyn.

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