Sydney, Mommy and Daddy put up the tree
... with a little help from Logey
We've been talking all week about putting up the tree and finally did. Sydney was so excited, but mom had to temper some of that giddiness by making sure that we didn't put up all of our glass ornaments (you'd be surprised what the percentage of glass to total ornaments that we have is... it's a lot). Good call mom, based on a couple of the snowflakes already biting the fairy dust.
Sydney was great at helping to sort the colour of the branches, helping to fluff them up, and putting the red-glittery snowflakes on the tree (all by herself) out of the reach of Logan. Syd's great at turning the tree on in the mornings and off whenever we leave the house, or at night.
Logan thankfully has not ran-sacked the tree, though Sydney will sometimes spin it around to get a different view (by twisting the tree by it's branches). :)
Happy holidays are here!

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