Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sydney weekend update: November 19

This weekend was Sydney's first shopping weekend. What an experience.

Mom, dad, and Popo suited up Sydney for a Saturday morning shopping adventure to Toys R Us and TJ Kiddie's. Wow, it sounds like so little but it was such an adventure. We put Sydney into her car seat, and the day started out pretty smooth. We timed it so that we left after her mid-morning feed at 10:30 a.m. so she was a pretty happy camper when we left (as you can see).

Sydney fell asleep en route to Toys R Us, so her first trip to Toys R Us officially consisted of her sleep in her stroller the whole time. So while she slept, the three of us had fun shopping for books and toys! :)

Then the big mistake happened. We snuck in a shopping trip to T&T before venturing off to TJ Kiddie's. By the time we were heading to TJ's it was already 12:30 p.m. That's when Sydney's usually feeding. Sydney got up 5 minutes into the car ride and was HUNGRY! She cried to whole way to the TJ's parking lot. After a feed from mommy, we took her inside. We tried not to move around too much and test drove a few gliders. But because of her crying before (and the air in her stomach) and her eating so quickly in the car, she was so gassy and burpy that she spit up three times in the store. Man, there is nothing worse than not knowing what to do when there's something wrong with your kid. Rookie mistakes!

After we picked up some accessories, it was off to home. Whew! Nice to be back on safe turf. Sydney slept pretty well the rest of the day. (check her out in the bassinet from Susan T).

Sunday was a quiet day at home. No outside walk yet for the little girl, that will happen this week. Instead we all hung out at home (watching football). Daddy's investment in an IPOD is slowly paying off as Sydney's easy listening music that relaxs her is Emily Haines (thanks Auntie Chris), Jack Johnson (how is it that every girl in the world loves him?), and City & Colour. Not big James Blunt fan surprisingly, but she loves "hand-dancing" to the Beatles and Elvis.

Oh, and Sydney's really getting into books. It's so funny. She's captivated by high contrast inages. It's so much fun reading her books. I read her three pages from Baby Whisperer to (the Harvard Business Reviews and Fast Company articles can't be too far behind).

Lots of lessons learned this weekend about scheduling and travel. But there's something to be said for those magical moments like when she's reading along with us, or smiling to a Beatles tune, or when she has a starteled look on her face from when mommy's driving and hits the gas a little to hard (which is often).


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