May 31: Sydney adventures continue
Mom (sydney's mom, not me) says that I'm a little too text heavy a little too often. So a quick update. Lots of new experiences in the last two weeks., especially with cookee Uncle Rob and Auntie Tanya:
- Rob & Tanya were our first babysitters as we went out to a DayCare seminar (and learned that we will never open up a child care service of our own). Special thanks for Spiderman 3. :)
- Sydney sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time... at SUSHI MAN... yummy wasabi-flavored "house white" that night.
- We had dinner with the MacQueen's in Kerrisdale (I feel like a heel for not having pictures of the Hicks... but next time for sure).
- We spent the last weekend in Whistler thanks to a good friend with contacts. Sydney hiked up Cougar Mountain (well, we really drove up for about 30 minutes and mom nearly had a heart-attack because the mazda isn't built for 4x4ing on sharp rocks and mountain potholes). When we got to the trail, it was covered in snow! Good call on the hike mom... Anyhow, Sydney really enjoyed riding in the hiking pack and even took a nap in it.
Hope to hear from you all soon. Take care.

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