Friday, March 14, 2008

March 3: A big weekend

Wow... a big weekend to cap off a busy month. And extremely eventful.

Ong Noi and Ba Noi came in on Thursday night. Their flight was delayed so you weren't able to pick them up. Instead, daddy went with your grandparents to Pho Hoa by Kerrisdale. Driving through the old soccer-area and looking at the houses, the topic of conversation was either family or the housing market. The good news for us is that we sold our condo in earlier this month, but as per the realtor advice that we had, the right strategy in Vancouver is to sell first, then buy with the minimum number of subjects. We'll get into housing later.

In general, Ong Ba Noi are great. Your Ba Noi loves you a lot and literally races at the opportunity to hug you and kiss you. What's really interseting though is how much you gravitate to your Ong Noi. We've seen it before, and even Uncle Ian says that Caden is the same way, but you will see your Ong Noi sitting on the couch by himself, and you'll run up to him , hug his leg without any prompting, and request "up-up" so that he'll pick you up to read you a book or watch tv. It's crazy.

The other big thing about this trip is how much better Ong Noi is doing. It's been a year and a half since his stroke, and he's remarkably different. His new perspective on life (Peace if Every Step) he says was the key in turning things around. It's really different to see because he has always been a big talker about balance in life but a poor executor, typically overworking and overextending. But to see his peaceful and balanced approach to life is wonderful. It's really paid off. He's dedicated to working out, he's really focused on his family and grandkids as well as a few housing projects, and he has a realistic outlook on his boundaries and how far to appropriately push himself (when we worked out at the EA gym, Ong Noi was on the bike for 45 minutes... however it took him just as long to shower+change because he almost got lost in the gigantic change room... just kidding). I hate the term "aging gracefully", with Ong Noi it's really more about living life peacefully and to the fullest from a fulfillment standpoint. He's really inspiring, maybe more so than at any other time that I've ever known him. I can sense how much happier Ba Noi and even Christina are living with him. It's a blessing. Well done Ong Noi, you really are an inspiration to us all.

Anyhow, Friday mommy and daddy had the day off (thankfully, EA had what they can EAIP day where they gave us all leap day off - Feb 29). Our initial plans were to go swimming, but you weren't feeling great, so we hung out at home. Saturday was a walk around the condo complex in the morning with the grandparents which you loved (always nice to get outside and run around, plus get to say "hi hi" to strangers and "woh-woh" to doggies). The afternoon was more open house tours. Sunday was more open house tours, which were entertaining. When your Ong Noi likes a place, he goes really quiet and becomes very analytical. When he doesn't like a place, he literally walks in, stands for 5 seconds, and then laughs to himself. It's pretty funny.

Anyhow, net-net is that Ong Ba Noi really helped us to re-look at our finances, hold to our strategy that I had mapped out (build equity first and foremost, get into an outstanding neighbourhood for you), and supported us through the decision to buy a new house. We celebrated with a dinner-in from Anton's with a bottle of Ricci"s Red wine on Monday night after the inspector cleared the house.

Again mom and dad, thanks for everything. Without you two, we wouldn't have been able to get our condo in this insane market (and that's obviously done extremely well for us). And without that final nudge of support, I know that we wouldn't have thought that getting our house was possible. Thank-you for making our lives that much richer and fuller even if we can't spend everyday together in the same city. We love you.


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