November 2008: Ong Ba Noi - Thank-you!!!
Sydney/ Logan,
You two are very lucky to have your Ong Noi and your Ba Noi as two of your grandparents. They were incredibly gracious and considerate in coming to Vancouver early to help mommy and daddy out before Logan's arrival.
A few months ago when we were trying to figure out who would visit when, the initial plan was for Popo to come in mid-November and for Ong Ba Noi to come in mid-December (to help out with the new baby and to take care of mommy). However, mommy and I started to realize that not having anyone here in the case that baby came early would be a big problem. Not living where we have really close family, and having friends that have their own kids/ things to worry about, we knew that we would have a problem finding someone to take care of Sydney for a few days.
Your Ong Ba Noi offered to come 2 weeks before the due date of baby (Nov 17th) to take that burden off of us. In that two weeks they got in a lot of quality Sydney time, and made November much less stressful for mommy and daddy.
Some of the things that we enjoyed:
- Morning homemade Pho Ga from Ba Noui which Sydney loved (though you ate it for lunch)
- Syd eating stars, fruit sauce and yogurt with Ba Noi for breakfast while watching Wigglely Party or Hi Five
- Colouring at Syd's table, singing songs with everyone, and reading all sorts of books
- Getting to spend a night at home with only Ba Noi when Auntika/ mommy/ daddy/ Ong Noi went to a Canucks game
- Getting Sydney's penguin balloon at the baby show :)
Thank-you Ong Ba Noi for everything. Logan was especially cooperative as he decided to come out on Nov 15th at 11:52 pm (only 8 minutes shy of Ba Noi's birthday, but still a great birthday gift for her; and giving Ong Ba Noi two days to spend with him before they flew home). We love you both every much, and hope that Ba Noi retires soon so that we can see more of you.
Here's the first picture of Ong Ba Noi with Sydney and Logan...

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