November: AUNTIKA!
yes, more (very very welcome visitors). Auntika came to spend a long weekend with us as well. Sydney, you're still trying to figure out how to say "Auntie Christina" properly.
As always, it's the little moments that we remember:
- Auntika trying escarot at Chez Michel for the first time. Not impressed with festival beef rib special unfortunately
- Comic reading swapping: daddy got to read The Watchmen (or the first half) and Auntika gave some Mark Millar books a go.
- 7:30 a.m. wake up calls from Sydney, who would shine her Pig Flashlight that snorts "oinkoinkoink" at Auntika head as she sat on the couch (opposite Auntika's futon) as Auntika slept.
- Sydney plugging her ears until she fell asleep in her car seat (kidding.. though the pictures don't)
- Babysitting for us at the Kevin James photoshoot (thanks Auntie). Hopefully the pictures of our family of four (mommy with baby) turn out great. We'll have you to thank.
Maybe my favourite moment of the weekend was after Geneva admitted that "relaxin" was kicking in. Her sense of humour started to "relaxin" as well and a lot of stuff mommy was saying didn't make any sense, and Auntika would laugh at the friendly squabbles that mommy and daddy would get into. best one at the airport:
Upon arriving at the airport and pulling into a parking spot.
Daddy suggests: You should drive through this parking spot (so you are facing front instead of rear)
Mommy response: No. You need the exercise
Daddy and Auntika's response: ?!?!?!? (how does that make any sense)
So many bad habits that mommy teaches Auntika... that I know will likely pass to another generation. Sigh... the men in our family are in trouble...

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