Saturday, February 20, 2010

Vancouver 2010 - Olympic Ice Dancing!

One of the highlights of our lives will be having the opportunity to take Sydney and Logan to an Olympic event! Our first family event was appropriately Ice Dancing (Sydney has been watching Figure Skating for a week with mom - she's hilarious. At first, she would watch and when people would fall Geneva would *gasp*. Sydney would ask, "mom why are you sad?" and mom would reply "because the skater fell." So now everytime Sydney sees a skater fall she says "that skater is sad." :) ).

Incidentally, we tried to get Sydney into speed skating (we had tickets to that). The stars must have aligned because Sydney really didn't like speed skating (wanted to change the channel after 30 seconds to figure skating), and we ended up selling our speed skating tickets for enough to pay off our all of our other Olympic tickets (yes!).

It was a trek with two kids to in tow. We were is Section 27, Row 21... so between the detour to get into the Coliseum AND the many flights of stairs (and dinner and bathroom breaks) it was a big time workout. Sydney was great, she cheered and "ssshh'ed" at the right times. Logan ended up being great too, though I had to take him for a walking break and mommy took him for a sleep-sack-nap. Aside from Canada finished second on the night after skating last, the other highlight was Sydney and Logan checking out the figure skaters in the ground (see pictures of Logan attempting to copy the figure skating girls' super dance posing).

Amazing life experience. A lot of effort but we'd definitely do it again. The people we were surrounded by were fantastic and very welcoming. Hopefully curling will be just as good. Go Canada!


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