Monday, December 04, 2006

Mom's second entry....still catching up

So what does it feel like the day after having delivered a 7 pound 4 ounce baby......... sore!

I felt like I had been exercising straight for the past 24 hours! Walking, standing, and sitting were very challenging. I would say that lasted for about one a half weeks! Yup.... that long! Even for a fitness freak like me! Thanks Sydney :)

Oh....and good bye to "period-free" months and welcome back PMS!!!

A day after we came home, I decided to make a trip to Superstore to pick up some groceries.
Holy smokes! That was the longest, most painful (physically) trip I have had to make. Walking was brutal. Carry groceries was even worse. Stupid me! The next time I volunteered to go grocery shopping was 7 days later!

It's a funny feeling.....being new parents. I look at Sydney and think wow...... we created her and she was in me. What an amazing thing. During her wailing, ear piercing moments....I wish for a millisecond that she were back in me :) Much easier that way!

We had two and a half days to ourselves before my mom would arrive for a three week visit.
It was really nice just being at home with Dave and our new arrival. Dave is now an expert at warming up food in the microwave and making "ma po tofu". We're still trying to expand his culinary inventory. Ordering take-out does not count :)

You would be amazed at how quickly time flies. We spent (and still spend) countless hours staring at her while she is sleeping.

Each day there is something different about her. They do grow really quickly :)


At 2:49 PM, Blogger suntom said...

so the one great thing about being "the uncle" is that when they start screaming, you can just "give 'em back". haha.

you guys are soooooo lucky tho - sydney is adorable!


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