Popo's Three Week Stay

Popo (chinese word for grandma, my mom) was here for three weeks as of Nov. 3. It was a big help. Thanks :) Only a mom could understand what a new mom goes through.
Popo cooked and cleaned for us and made sure I was fed and had plenty of rest. Thanks mom....did I mention that already :) She had a huge impact on my recovery. For those of you have a great relationship with your mother, I would highly recommended having your mom stay with you when you recover for the first few weeks. Her sole job was to take care of me so I could take care of my baby :)
Popo had a few moments with her first grandchild. Popo even got to exercise her vocal cords with her rendition of Do-Re-Mi from the Sound of Music!
I think these are the only words that Popo knows :)
Doe, a deer, a female deer

Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow Sew
La la la la la la la........
Don't worry Sydney, I think her next song to you will be something from the Beatles :)
Gong Gong (chinese word for grandpa, my dad)couldn't make it here but he called every night asking Popo what was for dinner and directing her what to cook and how to cook it :) For those who don't my dad, he's an excellent chef. The way he shows his love is through food. Lots of it.
The three weeks flew by!
The four of us had a couple of farting contests.
I think Sydney won most of them with her explosive poops. I mean.....explosive poops. You can hear her poop in the next room!
Popo, Sydney and I had a chance to take the Bjorn carrier for a trail run. We walked down the hill to drop off some mail, walked back up the hill (Geneva is sooooo out of shape!), and then we walked to the Safeway! Sydney slept the whole two hours!
Popo and I thought it was such a great thing that she would sleep for two hours that we decided to try it again the next day!
WRONG! She slept during the walk to Safeway and then decided that she was hungry 15 minutes into our walk! When Sydney is hungry.....she wants her food now and I mean NOW!
We quickly scrambled to find a place to feed her and hopped into the Seniors centre at a Parkgate Community Centre. Luckily, no one was there and we managed to feed, burp, and change her before the seniors got back from their morning exercise! We put her back in the carrier and she was fast asleep again!
What did we learn over the three weeks:
Syndey can sleep through noise. One day, Popo decided to vacuum while Sydney was taking a nap. The vacuum cleaner did not phase her at all. She slept right through it!
Sydney, just like mom, likes cool indoor temperatures. Sydney gets heat rashes on her body when she is too warm! We apologize in advance to our visitors. Wear warm clothing when visiting David/Geneva/Sydney :)
Sydney has a lot of gas.......a lot of gas.
Sydney has a reflux problem. For three weeks she would spit up almost every time we fed her. It took us three weeks to figure out that it was a reflux issue. She is now on ranitidine, her bassinet is angled at 45 degrees and she is always upright after a feeding. Things are much better now. Thank god.

Moms-to-be......nothing can prepare you for the lack of sleep you will get especially if you breastfeed!
Patience is key during your wee hour feedings. Definitely easier said than done.
So I think that brings me up to date with everything that has been happening.

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