yeahh yeahh!! it was a great time seeing all of u. hopefully we get to see syd the kid some time soon. too bad u guys couldn't stay till monday to watch vinny's hockey game. INTENSE AS HELL!
Ippssy Eggos
My name is David Le. I'm married to Geneva, the son of Hoang and Tuyet Le, the brother to Ian and Christina, and father to Sydney. My inspiration for starting off this blog was for Geneva and I to write our thoughts, experiences, and learnings in some place. Geneva and I were expecting our first child in Nov'06 and we hoped that this blog would help our kids to get some perspective on who we were and what life was like as started our family. Why Ippssy Eggos? You'll find out.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
March 25th: Home after 1&1/2 weeks in Cowtown
However, I'm quickly learning this year that the best laid plans often don't come out as expected. What started as Uncle Lam and Jade convincing me, Geneva, and Sydney to visit Calgary for a weekend for Auntie Hanh's 50th birthday, was extended to a week, and then extended again into a week and a half of re-charging, re-assessing, and re-acquainting with family and friends.
Calgary was fantastic. Sydney, you were so pampered with attention, hugs & kisses... it was too much. Some of the things that you should know:
- Your Po-po and Gong-gong drove down from Edmonton on Monday just for a five hour visit with you.
- You instantly took a liking to your Auntie Jade, who got you yet another outfit (purple... not pink).
- You took a day to warm up to Ba Noi and Uncle Ian (fussy kid). But after a day, you were hanging out with Ba Noi as she carried you around, and you spent a few mornings waking up with Uncle Ian and Auntie Kath.
- Uncle Ian and Auntie Katherine wanted you to stay at their condo so much that they slept on an air-mattress (that they "deflated" after one night's sleep) in their family room for two nights when we visited. I wonder what they were doing to make the mattress deflate after one night...
- Btw, we love Auntie Katherine but she almost traded you away to a chinese waitress for an order of beef satay at the ABC restaurant in Chinatown.
- Your Grand-Uncle Lam twisted our arms into staying for a few extra days (thanks Unc) so that me and your mom could help Co Hanh clear out her fridge (mom is "smoothied" out... I think we finished off six smoothies each in four days). I swear that we both gained a few inches around our tummies.
- Even your Uncle Ben and Aunt Kim made us brunch one day and lunch another day so that you could hang out with your cousin Elia. Check out the phone photo (that's her phone).
Everyone was so nice, it was great. Sydney even got surprise gifts from Daisy and Sunil's (Lamaze toy gifts), and Grand-aunties Thao's and Mimi's cute clothing. At a time when Geneva and I are looking at the options in front of us with regards to our next life-move, it was amazing to know that we have such an incredible family. Special thanks to Co Hanh for ALWAYS feeding us... as jade's friends say, "you have enough food to feed Africa."
A while ago, I told Geneva that I do believe that this will be a good year for us if you believe the signs. She told me that good fortunate and fulfillment this year could come in more or other ways other than financial means. I'm starting to see that there may be a greater purpose to this year for our little family of three than I could have realized. I hope that good fortune will always keep us close to our family, regardless of if we end up in Alberta or not.
Oh, and Vince... you would have never tied our NHL07 series 3-3 if you didn't have Vincent Huynh. Saku Koivu is the MAN (though I may have suped-him up for our super series)... :) !
Enjoy the latest pictures. We love you all. Thanks again to everyone for making Calgary such an inspiring trip.
Sydney getting dressed-up for her trip to Calgary... (she still can't fit Auntie Christina's Vans)
"Mom, that's SYDNEY's teething-toy!"
Chillin' with Uncle Ben (no, he doesn't make converted rice)
"Hello, is Elia there please? PLLLLLEASE?"
See. Always good with Auntie Jade.
Uncle Ian shows than an xylophone is just as easy to learn as a zither.
Your grand-uncle Lam... at 4.5 months, you are as tall as he is and you have the same amount of hair. HAHA.
Happy 50th Birthday Grand-Auntie Hanh! Let's blow out the candles!
Relaxing with Great-grandma at Auntie Thao's fav Viet restaurant
A throne fit for a suburban princess (Treehouse is playing on a 37" plasma and the corn dogs are in the toaster oven).
Po-po and Gong-gong in Calgary on a day trip (though Gong-gong clearly had too much coffee).
Cuddle-time with mom
Sydney and Elia's first picture together (well, at least with them looking in the same direction).

Uncle Vince shows that Sydney has a photogenic side... and a "too much paparazzi" side.
Holy cow, when these two have kids, Sydney will be their age!
Catching some zzzz's after a fun filled time in Calgary. Sydney says "thanks for taking care of me, my daddy, and my mommy in calgary. And Uncle Ian told me to say 'Go Avalanche!'"
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
March 15: Random recent pictures
Some photos from Christina (she takes such good pictures...).
Some pics that mom snapped of you on the couch.
Some pics of Sydney getting ready to go to Stroller Strides with mom.
Some pics of Sydney's new favourite toy, her Rainforest exersauer that Mom picked out and On Ba Noi bought for Syd.
Enjoy! I love being at home with my two girls.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
March 14: Popo's 2nd visit
Thanks for visiting and bringing all the goodies Popo!
We especially liked the new stroller and new booties :) Check out the trees in the forest behind our place that were uprooted by the wind storms.
Happy Birthday Auntie #5
Ummmm....... is this okay Uncle #5?
Look.....Auntie #2 is wearing my shirt!
Cousin Alannah and her mom Piera
Po Po, #2 Yee Po, #5 Yee Po, and Heidi