August 31: Old friends and new places

A fun few weeks. We spent daddy's birthday in San Francisco, mom and dad's first real time in the city. We drove around the city itself, walked around the Fisherman's Wharf (spotting sea lions, Alcatraz, and the world's worst street performers... as well as one of the funniest), and outlet shopped. But the most fun was catching up with our old friends, mommy's high school best friend Aimee and her fiance Wing, and dad's old boss Pierre, his wife Cristina, and their kids Tais and Thomas.
The weekend after, we had a moms-and-kids (and two dads) get together at Linda's. It's funny to see you, Samantha, and Evan in the same room... you're all doing your own thing totally oblivious to what the other kid is doing. Kayla gave you a lot of hugs when she first saw you.
This week, we caught up with more old friends. You went to dinner to meet up with Alison, Gillian, Sara and Jonathan. They love seeing you. Gillian and Sara say that you are totally extroverted and always saying hi to people (such a distraction for waiters and people at other tables when you wave "hello" and laugh. Jonathan was afraid to hold you... he's still a rookie with babies. Sara and Gillian were teaching you about credit cards (yikes).
Daddy's had a great time since his birthday. I've finished the 6th and 7th Harry Potter books (in 2 and a half weeks, i can't wait to re-read them with you!) and golfed Furry Creek for the first time with another old boss, Doug.
Life is great. Love you little one.

August 10th: Houston; Jenny's Wedding and spending time with Auntie Ha, Uncle Huy and Brian
Below is a email exchange between me, your Ong Noi and your Ba Noi about the Houston trip. Enjoy. Mommy and I love you, and so does your Auntie Christina, your Uncle Brian (though he didn't appreciate you slapping him in the face to wake him up), your GRAND-Auntie Ha (who you instantly loved), and your grand-uncle Huy (who instantly frightened you to tears... but don't worry... he scared your Uncle Ian and I so much that we hid in a closet the first time he came to our house... but he is the guy that taught me how to play basketball).
Love you always our little girl,
Mom and Dad
----- Original Message -----
From: "Le, David" <>
Date: Monday, August 13, 2007 10:41 am
Subject: RE: Good pictures/ Houston update
To: Tuyet Le <>,
Cc:,, Geneva and David Le <>,
Morning mom & dad,
We had a great time in houston. The few days were really busy for Uncle Dang, and especially for Jenny and Heather. The "Jenny wedding trip" ended up including a lot of "hanging with Auntie Ha/ Uncle Huy & Thien" as well, so it worked out for everyone. In all, it was fantastic to see Jennifer get married (it was a Vietnamese-Korean wedding primarily with a lot of traditional Church elements). Very unique and very beautiful.
We had been planning to get together with Jenny and Heather on Friday morning for lunch, which was then rescheduled to late breakfast, and then rescheduled to early breakfast. In the end, they had to cancel
because of last second errands they had to run. In fact, Jenny was so busy for the few days that we really only had the chance to talk to her for a few minutes. We almost didn't get a picture with her, but Christina cornered her at the dinner and we got a family picture with her. Heather wanted to spend more time with us, but she
always ended up getting whisked away to do her maid of honour task. Oh well, that's weddings. It didn't detract from the fact that we had a wonderful time hanging out with family and sharing Jenny's special day with her.
We did see Uncle Dang, Co Van, Uncle Hong and Auntie Ha for lunch on Friday (me, Thien, and Christina). Co Van was so nice to us, she's so sweet. Uncle Hong looks good, Geneva thinks he looks a little skinner. He's not wearing his hearing aid, so you have to slow down and speak loudly when you talk to him. Auntie Ha is fine, she's definitely happy to be a grandmother, her eyes light up when she talks about Audrey and Lauren.
Uncle Dang was great and very understanding that we had juggle events that we could attend because of Sydney's nap schedule. On Saturday, Christina and I went to the morning ceremony which was really nice. It was at their aunt's beautful house, I took some pictures for dad... :) In the afternoon, Thien, Geneva, Chris and I went to the church ceremony. The vows were traditional from a church perspective, and really showed how committed she is to God and her church. Danny's family definitely tight knit family, and I think that Jenny will love being a part of that. Sydney finally made her appearanc at dinner to the family's delight. She was good at dinner and spent some time with Uncle Hong, Auntie Ha, and Co Van. When the dancing started, Christina actually taught Sydney a head-shaking dance move that we've never seen before. We have a video of it, it's so funny! :)
The real estate is really cheap houses with an average one-level house being $175,000 to $300,000 at the most. There are no basements and everyone has AC (which drives up the electrical bills). The heat was intense! With the humidity factor, the temperature was 48 degrees celsius. Needless to say, we didn't spend any time outside.
Mom, Auntie Ha and Uncle Huy are great. I think that Auntie Ha in enjoying being back home with Brian for the summer, but I know it's hard being away from Uncle Huy too. Previous to this weekend, it had been a month since they last saw each other. Sydney was so funny with the family. She was really afraid of Uncle Huy and Thien at first. She would cry when Uncle Huy came into the room. She was fine with Auntie Ha, but had this weird thing that when Auntie Ha tied her hair up, Sydney would start to cry. In the end, Uncle Huy eneded up winning her over with peek-a-boo games, and Sydney had fun slapping Thien on in the face when he was sleeping to wake him up (he slept in the living room to allow us and Christina to sleep in beds... at first we felt guilty but then were amazed that he could sleep in until noon or 1 o'clock with everyone eating and talking around him). Thien's such a great young man now. He's really matured in a lot of ways, and is very
respectful.He even bought me a transformers t-shirt. I promise him that next time I'm at banana republic in seattle, I'll pick up some ties and a dress shirt for him.
Dad, just so you know, I did the dinner speech from your perspective. I said that:
"My dad wishes that he could be here, but unfortunately could not come. A lot has happened to our family in the last year that has changed our perspectives and his perspectives on life and what is precious. If he
was here today, I know he would like to share the following:
> the most precious things in my life:
> my family and friends
> are the most precious things in my life today
> and they mean more to me than anything in life
> and i love you all i wish to say
> these feelings lie deep
> within my heart
> and the love i show
> is only a part
> I will be thinking of you today
> And my heart will soar
> Know that the love of my family and friends
> is all you need
> and that is more precious
> than material things and greed
Jenny and Danny, may the joy of the best day of your past be nothing in comparison to the happiness that your share in everyday of your future together. To Jenny and Danny."
When I was writing and researching what to say, I realize how much Dad has changed in the last few months. I know that you two are still feeling each other out in terms of spending so much more time together, and adapting to a new co-dependent relationship. I think that Victoria trip and seeing how much dad loves you, mom, in planning the trip as a few days to escape and to have time to re-bond and re-connect was
wonderful. It really shows to me how committed dad is to relearning how to live life with mom as his centerpiece. Mom, I hope that you continue to be patient and understanding with dad. You may not see it,
but he's really come a long way.
We all love you both tremendously. Thanks for sending all of us on the trip.
David, Geneva, Sydney, and Christina
Response From Ong Noi:
David, Wow, what a nice summary! Your speech for the toast was so nice and touching.
Geneva, Christina and Sydney, you also did a wonderful job in representing our whole family at the wedding. It's wonderful that at only 10 months age, Sydney was able to participate in this event.. as one of the representatives of our whole family. When she grows up I will tell her of her great achievement. I looked at the photos sent by Mrs. Nga ( Mr. Xa's wife) you all looked good and happy. Sydney was co cute in her dress.
David, thanks for your observation of my new focus on life.. I guess deep down I had always had the same love and affection for Mom but I did not do enough to show it ! It was something that I should have done better and I am now making up.
I look forward to seeing the photos that you guys took and Chris will send to us. We'll chat.more
HoangFrom Ba Noi: Tuyet Le <>
Thank-you for the trip report. You did a good job in representing your Dad & I at the wedding.
We had a great time in Victoria. We have been very happy since then. I hope that this happiness will continue.
You three looked good at the wedding. Sydney dress was lovely & colorful. Auntie Ha told me that she was surprised with how well Sydney behaved thru the wedding reception. Hope that she is fine after the hectic trip.
We will talk to you tonight.