Sept 17: Grand-visit and BOG
In Vancouver, our little family marks the end of summer not by the fall equinox or the changing of the colour of the leaves around our place, but by the sudden realization that summer visitors are no longer on our schedule. Sadly, the last big trip of the summer has come and gone (BOG in Panorama) and the last planned family visits (Auntie Sabrina and Ong Ba Noi) are done.
Sydney, you had a great time:
- Scooting around and cruise walking for the first time with your red car thing (see picture)
- Watching Auntie Sabrina cry wasabi tears at Sushi Man
- Having Ba Noi feed you while Ong Noi dragon danced
- Watching Ba Noi pummel Ong Noi at Big Brain Academy (ok... you were actually sleeping when they played)
- Seeing cousin Caden for the first time at BOG
- Rooming with cousin Elia at BOG, and laughing hysterically as you chased her around the room and down the hallway
- Soaking it up in the slope-side hot pools that daddy did marketing work for last year (goodness how times change)
Anyhow, thanks for being so great on the car ride while mom and dad listened to the Order of the Phoenix on book CD. As you can see from the last picture, you were so pooped by the end of this last week that you fell asleep this morning at breakfast.
Love you little one.