Ippssy Eggos
My name is David Le. I'm married to Geneva, the son of Hoang and Tuyet Le, the brother to Ian and Christina, and father to Sydney. My inspiration for starting off this blog was for Geneva and I to write our thoughts, experiences, and learnings in some place. Geneva and I were expecting our first child in Nov'06 and we hoped that this blog would help our kids to get some perspective on who we were and what life was like as started our family. Why Ippssy Eggos? You'll find out.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
August 9: Yoga time
The master plan of "monkey-see, monkey-do" is paying off. Sydney is actually practicing yoga with us on the weekends now. It's too funny. She's doing upward and downward dog, and is just starting warrior 1 (kinda of, not really). I need to hit up Auntie Sara for some free mats.
Syd's also started to figure out the camera. She'll take it, turn it on, and actually snap pictures of herself or of whatever she's looking at. Check it out (I need to buy a new camera... )
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Here comes baby! #2 that is.
Wow, the first non-Sydney entry... though Sydney is still very involved.
We've told virtually everyone that we are expecting but we had to keep it under-wraps online until mommy shared the news will all of her co-workers (re: boss).
Little baby, it's the Year of the Rat. According to our horoscopes, it's suspose to be a year of a lot of work that will pay off in the future. With the new jobs, the new house, you are the perfect part of our trifecta that we know will be a lot of work but will be an amazing part of our lives.
Your big sister Sydney already points to you in mommy's tummy and says "baby" and kisses you at least once a day. We can't wait to meet you!!!
July 26: Vancouver Aquarium
Spending the day at the Aquarium with the new baby beluga and her mommy, some seas lions (that you did not like), checking out the dolphin show, walking through Stanley Park, and looking to jellyfish/ dolphins/ etc.
A fun day with Auntie Kerrie and Lorne (who are sadly moving to Saskatoon), and me and mommy.
Love you.