Dec 27: A Day at the Mall
As Geneva would say, there's no such thing as a quick stop at the mall anymore. We took the kids to the mall for a six-hour adventure. First off was a stop at Build-A-Bear for Sydney (from Santa).
Sydney officially adopted "Ballet tutu Bluey" akak "Bluey". We thought that Sydney would pick the stuffed elephant for sure because on her "Barney goes to the zoo" dvd, that's her favourite animal. We got to BaB, and I told her she could have any ONE animal. First it was Hello Kitty (there was a girl that went immediately to pick it up, so naturally Sydney thought that it was cool)- then it was a turtle (mommy's fav) - then it was an elephant (yes!) - then it was a black dog. We were ready to go to the stuffing machine and I asked her one last time, if she was sure. And then she saw the blue bear... and she dropped everything and took it. Geneva was not a fan and tried to get her to change her mind... but it didn't happen. In addition, Geneva and Sydney picked out the Ballet Tutu dress for the bear... which Sydney loves. Sydney got to pick a heart for her bear and put it in, she stepped on the stuffing pedal too, and she gave her Bluey a bath. Best bear experience ever!
We went shopping with the kids, hitting groceries at T&T (Island farm chocolate milk is so good, it's like drinking chocolate ice cream), did some boxing day shopping (i.e. shopping for the kids). Sydney and I rode the choo-choo-train in the mall when Geve fed Logan. The whole time we were on the train, Sydney would remind me to to tell "mommy. mommy... i go on choo-choo train." Seriously, she said it about 10 times.
So much fun! Any day I get to spend with these three is the happiest day of my life.