Ippssy Eggos
My name is David Le. I'm married to Geneva, the son of Hoang and Tuyet Le, the brother to Ian and Christina, and father to Sydney. My inspiration for starting off this blog was for Geneva and I to write our thoughts, experiences, and learnings in some place. Geneva and I were expecting our first child in Nov'06 and we hoped that this blog would help our kids to get some perspective on who we were and what life was like as started our family. Why Ippssy Eggos? You'll find out.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sydney getting her ears pierced
Daddy only half jokes when he says that it was the most stressful event of his life. Mommy had been talking to Sydney for a long time about her getting her ears pierced and it was something that she was really looking forward to doing. On daddy's side of the family, neither Ba Noi or Auntika have their ears pierced, so it was a new experience for dad.
Our little girl was super brave and LOVES her earrings... just like what mommy has.

Pics from mom
Poor mama... only a few weeks of mat leave left. I know that she loves spending time with the kids, and getting a lot of one on one time with her little boy. Even though his first words were "dada" (and he called everything "dada" now), Geneva is still the only one that can calm him down at night. He loves his mom, such a mama's boy. :) Just like dad.

Feasiblity tests with Ong Noi
In a surprise return visit (only days before we headed back to Edmonton for Thanksgiving), dad came back to Vancouver on a short trip. Ong Noi was doing a bunch of "feasiblity tests" on a variety of different properties.
With the kids and Geve gone a day early to Edmonton, I joined dad as we hopped on a boat in Deep Cove and took a look at a property in Deep Cove. Between that and a great dinner at Beachhouse, it was great to reconnect with dad. We don't get a lot of one on one time together, and it's great to get his wisdom and life lessons first hand. Love you dad.

Ba Noi gets a haircut
When Sydney and I go to sleep, one of the things we talk about is how she can be anything that she wants to be when she grows up. She's hilarious and will say "ummm... dad... I want to be a dancer, and a doctor, and a hair stylist... and a doe-doe." Doe-doe is her made up silly word.
So when Ba Noi came to visit, Sydney practiced her hairstylist techniques on Ba Noi. From water spritzing to measuring hair to cuts and checking everything with a mirror, it's quite the deal. :)