February 27: What a week
Thanks for visiting Grandma and Grandpa (Ong Ba Noi!) and Auntie Christina...

So, where do I even start this entry? I guess I start from the macro-perspective. I have faith that this (the year of the pig, which is suppose to be a good year for myself and Geneva) year will be a great year. How it will top last year, I have no idea, but I do have faith that every time I see Sydney smile that things will work out. God has always been great to me and Geneva, and I have the belief that He has a plan for me. I always believed ever since the day that fateful car crash I was in when I was sixteen years old and should have died (actually, not to mention the other car crash I was in when I was 15 and the time when I was 12 and fell off a 20ft cliff skiing).
First off, I'm no longer with Intrawest. That's all you'll get out of me in a public domain and being sober.
Second, it's been a great few days with my parents and Christina in town. They arrived the day after the Intrawest announcement happened. It was so great having them in town. Dad is definitely getting stronger post-stroke. He still needs to nap quite a bit, but considering that this was his first trip since the stroke and his first time away from home, he did great.
I also forgot how much I love hanging out with Christina. Despite the age gap we still have a lot in common. It was so much fun watching Heroes together (there isn't a better show on TV is there), she destroyed me in NHL 2006 as we drafted our own teams (first Brodeur was ridiculous is a 10-1 games won series on Friday night, and then the St. Louis/ Kariya/ Sakic line carried her in our third series... stupid Pronger & Souray... so slow!). It's always fun getting her facebook tour. Christina is so much like Austin, so many networks of different friends.
Mom is mom, always overprotective, nurturing and making tonnes of food, and showering kids (well Sydney) with unconditional love and affection. I know that sometimes I tell my mom that she's just too soft on people, but i realize that I get that from her too. What a great grandmother... Sydney is so lucky.
What was even better was that we learned that we can go out to great places to eat with mom and dad! Yes! Gone are the days when dad is confined to Earl's and his Clubhouse sandwich. Two of the highlights of the trip: 1) Going to Gen Sushi (I place that I think gets an undeserved bad rap) for bento boxs and sushi and having dad say that he enjoyed his japanese salad and teriyaki chicken box (sauce on the side in both cases) more than earl's 2) Eating dinner at The Cannery (one of Geve and my favourite restaurants in Vancouver) and having the ladies enjoy an exquisite Black Cod dish while me and dad savoured on house caesar salad (if you like garlic, fantastic) and sockeye salmon with grilled vegetables. Too bad we can't still around for dessert yet as Sydney gets antsy for the "home-house-white." So great to be able to share our love for food and restaurants with Mom, Dad and Christina.
Thanks for visiting. As much as Sydney and Geneva enjoyed it, for me personally it was so great having you guys here. Especially given what's happened in the last week, it's so great to know that I have amazing family (and friends) to fall back on.
And what's new with Sydney?
- We picked up her Bumbo, so she's sitting with us when we eat... so funny.
- Bathtime is hit and miss. She use to love it. Now, daddy and sydney do the full on bath once a week as a way to break her in before we go swimming at the pool.
- On Ba Ngoai picked up her Jolly Jumper (thank-you) and we're looking forward to setting it up.
Can someone tell me why I would want to go back to work again?
Sydney's favourite book for mom to read for her... "can I have a story please?"
Who's that whispering in my ear?
Sydney's Bumbo from Uncle Ben & Auntie Kim!
Relaxing with grandpa.
"Hey grandma, this toy tastes good!"
"Oh no, please grandma... no MORE pink!"
I love you mommy! More kisses please!