Ippssy Eggos
My name is David Le. I'm married to Geneva, the son of Hoang and Tuyet Le, the brother to Ian and Christina, and father to Sydney. My inspiration for starting off this blog was for Geneva and I to write our thoughts, experiences, and learnings in some place. Geneva and I were expecting our first child in Nov'06 and we hoped that this blog would help our kids to get some perspective on who we were and what life was like as started our family. Why Ippssy Eggos? You'll find out.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A day at Granville Island
Yikes... the car appointment at Carter Honda took way too long (and cost way too much) as the Civic hit 150K. However, it gave you, me and mommy the chance to hang out at granville island for the day. We started with breakfast at the market (mommy had her chia latte and daddy scarfed down a yummy falafel pita), spent the day shopping for stickers & looking for Wiggles DVDs & making your bead bracelet (to match the ones that Ong Ba Noi made of "Geneva" and "David" in Victoria). Lunch was at the Cat's Meows, which was pretty good. The BBQ chicken pizza was excellent (i'm getting hungry just writing that). It was off to the park after that, before you zonked out and mommy and daddy went for a stroll on the seawall.
At daycare you are obsessed with sand and sand boxes. you will methodically scoop sand into a shovel, and then carefully pour it into container. i swear that you would do this for hours if we let you. :)

Slip sliding away...
Sydney, you love hanging out at the pool in West Vancouver. I've typed this before, but we started taking you when you were a few months old. You're old enough to walk in the pool (shallow end) now, and you love showing off your ability to walk up and down the slide to mommy. You LOVE splashing mommy too.
Love ya.

Doing the chores
Our grass grows like stink (or did until I cut it too short and the summer sun hit, virtually drying out and killing the grass... which is a bummer and a blessing at the same time).
Thank goodness we have our super-energetic, quasi-Monica-like-obsessive compulsive neat-freak, over eager little girl who loves to chip in with the chores. Chores are technically not child labour, plus she gets a break from raking the leaves by playing with the water hose (can you see how excited she gets).
You're too much fun little one.

Hanging out at Ambleside
Sydney, your vocabulary is really growing and you get so excited when you can point things out. You love being close to the water, even if it's just driving over bridges. When we hang out at Ambleside, you love pointing to the barges and saying "boat, boat" and you pick up rocks and throw them into the water so you can see the "splash" (which I think translates into "'pash-'pash."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Our favourite person in the whole world
Every night, either mommy or I tuck you in to sleep. On most nights, mommy let's me do it because i get home later than she does (your mom is incredibly generous that way because she knows how much it means to me).
I love having you fall asleep in my arms. There is nothing more magical, more precious, more peaceful and more perfect than having you, our baby sydney, fall asleep and start dreaming.
I'm lucky because in that 15 minutes that I have with you, my entire world-my purpose in life-and my ability to reassess and realize everything that is important life crystalizies. It's a wonderful thing, to have that clarity and peace of mind in knowing what makes my life worthwhile and incredibly special.
I love you, your mommy, and baby "more than anything in the whoooooooole world."

Saturday, July 12, 2008
July 10th: At the Park
Just a quick picture update.
- Sydney having dinner at Flying Wedge pizza with Mommy and Daddy. Her favourite is the Tropical Pig. :)
- Hanging out at Carisbrooke Park with Mommy and Auntie Christina (otherwise known as "AUN-TI-KA". Not pictured: Daddy and Josh (aka "Joh")
She loves the swing now that we've taught her to say "weeee" the whole time that she's on it. Her favourite is still the circular rotating cage thingy...